Hearne: Lawrence Goods Guys vs Bad Guys on ‘Black Thanksgiving’ 2013

1385507470000-AP-Airlines-Thanksgiving-Travel-1The battle lines are drawn…

Massive companies like WalmartBest Buy,  Kohls and McDonald’s have effectively declared war on Thanksgiving and, as Phillip Brown says, it’s up to consumers to sort things out. Either we given in and flood the store’s Black Thursday sales today – all but insuring they’ll not only continue in future years but grow – or we draw the line and hold off shopping until, you know, Black Friday.

The choice is ours, and Brown could not have laid it out more plainly.

With that in mind as I began my other Thanksgiving ritual – culling out and recycling the multitudinous ad inserts in my Lawrence Journal World and Kansas City Star newspapers –  it came to me; that somewhere in those ads was the dividing line between the good merchants and the bad.

The good, being those respectful of the Thanksgiving holiday and the ritual of families gathering in thanks once a year; the bad being the corporations trampling on America’s most sacred holiday in the interest of getting their mitts on the almighty buck one extra day out of the year. One measly day, for crying out loud.

Look, I know this is hardly a scientific tally, but at least it’s a start.

And hey, why not reward the merchants who waited for Black Friday and punish those guilty of trampling on Thanksgiving?

Now on the tally:


Walmart            Anybody surprised these cats are opening at 6 p.m. today?

K Mart   Times are tuff but these greedy bastards are open from 7 p.m. until 3 a.m. How thoughtful of them towards their employees.

Michael’s The prefect thing for creative family types. Bail on Thanksgiving at 4 p.m. and shop until 2 a.m. I’m sure their employees are thanksful.

J.C. Penney      These poor guys just trying to survive – and fighting a losing battle – however opening on Thanksgiving is hardly the answer. I ask you, what would J.C. Penney say?

Hastings  I don’t know. It’s a video rental and book store, but opening at 1 p.m. pretty  much kills their employees Thanksgivings.

Old Navy Opening from 7 p.m.Thanksgiving thru ALL DAY FRIDAY seems like cruel and unusual punishment

Family Dollar How much can you possibly save at a dollar store to make shopping on Thanksgiving worthwhile? Not enough!

Target  Opening at 8 p.m. tonight; punish them by waiting until tomo.

Macy’s  Opens at 8 p.m. tonight, right “after Thanksgiving Dinner,” their ad says. What BS.

Kohl’s  Opens at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving. Who really needs to race to this boring retailer on a holiday?

Office Depot  Do we really need to save $30 on an Apex tablet at 8 p.m. tonight? Hardly.

Sears  Another dying, old school retailer like K Mart & Penney’s; opens today at 8 p.m. Let ’em die another day.

Bass Pro  Open Thanksgiving; camp and fish someplace else

Microsoft Store  Ad tries to obfuscate it, but website says store at Oak Park Mall opens tonight at 8 p.m. Think of it as the perfect excuse to finally buy that Apple computer you’ve always wanted…on Black Friday at 6 a.m. naturally.

Game Stop  Opens at midnight tonight. Could be worse, but that’s still Thanksgiving night.

Shoe Carnival  Open 6 p.m. to Midnight today. Seriously, who needs to buy shoes on Thanksgiving Day?

The Legends  Opening at 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving is hardly the stuff legends are made of. I say punish ’em.




Menards These guys know how to play the game – no Turkey Day store hours, Black Friday only. And they’re coming to Lawrence!

Sam’s Club: Ditto, Black Friday only starting at 7 a.m.

World Market: 7 a.m. Black friday only. Check ’em out.

HyVee Closed today for the holiday when they could obviously be raking it in.

Radio Shack  Doors open at 8 a.m. Friday or online today. Give ’em a hand.

Home Depot  Open 5 a.m. Friday. Kudos for emphasizing in their ads that they’re closed Thanksgiving

Petco  Open Black Friday only. Take you mutt when you go.

Mattress Firm   Open Black Friday only. Kudos to the mattress firm, but they already own Labor Day and Memorial Day – two out of three ain’t bad.

Olathe Fiat   Black Friday only, for one of the hipper, more earth friendly rides going.

Sheplers   Black Friday only, because who buys western wear on a family holiday anyway? That would be totally un-American.

McCarthy Chevy  Black Friday only. Hey, Lauren know how to play the game!

Lowes’s   Black Friday only; opening 5 a.m. Keeping up with Home Depot.

Nebraska Furniture Mart Even the evil empire is closed for Thanksgiving and opens at 6 a.m.  Black Friday. Who needs Best Buy anyway, really?

Hancock Fabrics Opens 6 a.m. Friday. I mean, was anybody really palnning on going fabric shopping on Turkey Day?

Tractor Supply Co. Ditto for this company that I kinda never heard. Hey, at least they’re closed Thanksgiving

Academy Sports   Brand new biz by Oak Park, closed today. Wise move.

Cabela’s   Opens 5 a.m. Black Friday. Reward these guys with your Bass Pro biz.

La Z Boy  Need one of these for the holidays? Then go for it, I guess, @ 9 a.m. Black Friday. But first a word of caution; remember what happened to the smartman on his recliner. Caveat emptor 

First-Thanksgiving*******       *******       *******

Hey look you guys, sure this is a small step for mankind, but do we really want to see a great American holiday sold down the river by a bunch of greedy, corporate fat cats who otherwise remain unaccountable?

I could be wrong, but I think not.

So reward the businesses that stayed closed this holiday and send a message to the ones that opened.

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Phillip Brown: Big Business Teams With Journal World to Wage War on Christmas

NO-shopping-on-thanksgiving-1Ever since European Pilgrims began settling the American continent, they commemorated a day in November as a time of Thanksgiving…

It’s a time where we put aside our mundane, everyday responsibilities, avert our eyes from our struggles for a better future and just appreciate the fortunes of the present. This is the day when we gather those close to us, be they family, friends or neighbors, and give thanks for the riches that fate and our struggles have bestowed.

It’s a celebration that has existed in some form or another in every culture since human beings discovered the art of agriculture some 10,000 years ago.  Obviously, there is a primal societal need for this pause from the routine.

Now America’s big retailers and fast food franchises think they can improve on that idea.  Continue reading

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Brandon Leftridge: Thanksgiving Food Ranked

thankscoverAccording to some religion or another, we all know that gluttony is a sin, but we also know that aside from the whole “oh, boy am I so thankful for _______” aspect of the holiday, gluttony is the impetus of Thanksgiving.

Truly, gluttony is the least of your worries when you’re seductively winking at your sister-in-law across the table, ridiculing your Uncle Gary’s crippling drug habit, going on incoherent, racist rants and passing out on the couch during the football games. (And pissing your pants. Don’t forget that.)

That’s why I suggest that, if you’re gonna do it, do it right. Stuff yourself with what matters most and leave the fruit salad for your elderly aunt and her soft, brittle teeth.

Here’s my list, in order of Who-Gives-a-Shit to Must-Have. Continue reading

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Jack Poessiger: ‘NEBRASKA’ — Great Expectations Pay Off


My favorite new movie out now?

A small gem called NEBRASKA.

How so?

Well it’s a dramedy starring 77 year-old Bruce Dern who incidentally won the covenant Best Actor prize for his superb performance in the film at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

In NEBRASKA Dern plays cantankerous old-timer Woody Grant who receives a winning sweepstakes certificate in the mail one day.

A sham?

Of course it is, but don’t tell that to Woody who won’t hear of it and sets out on a road trip to Lincoln to claim his million dollar winnings. Continue reading

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Craig Glazer: Scribe Unleashes Thanksgiving Weekend Football Forecast


Well, what was supposed to be THE big game this Sunday at Arrowhead has lost a bit of it’s luster…

Chiefs fans are down in the dumps after two losses in a row.  Now Denver and Peyton Manning are coming to town with what is likely to be the gutshot that gives them the western title and forces the Chiefs into a low level wild card game.

We all know the Chiefs lost their top two defenders in the loss to San Diego.  And without their two stud linebackers, the Chiefs’ defense is horrible.

What’s odd is that QB Alex Smith would have gotten all the praise nationally and locally had the Chiefs won last week since the victory would have been chalked up to his passing skills.  Having said that, with Denver’s severe injuries to their defense and a couple of receivers, the boys in a red now have a slight chance to pull off an upset victory that otherwise would have been nearly impossible.

For the Chiefs to pull off the miracle victory, Smith will have to have a repeat passing performance from last week, plus a strong attack from Jamaal Charles on the ground.

Hey, it’s nearly Christmas, maybe we get an early gift.  Continue reading

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Brandon Leftridge: Royals Offseason Chugs Along; My Predictions

Screen shot 2013-11-22 at 8.22.36 AMThe 2003-2004 offseason was an important one for the Kansas City Royals. Riding high on their first winning record since 1994 and picked by many to be an ’04 favorite to win the division, they did what any self-respecting organization would have done: they went out and signed two key needs, outfielder Juan Gonzalez and catcher Benito Santiago.

Gonzalez—who’d slowly been building a reasonable Hall of Fame candidacy for years—hadn’t been healthy for the previous two seasons (a little over 150 games for Texas in 2002 and 2003 combined), but had shown enough pop in ’03 (24 HR coupled with a .294 avg.) that the Royals thought he was worth a look.

He was not. Continue reading

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Jack Poessiger: ‘Hunger Games: Catching Fire’ Delivers—And Then Some!

9edf7756-6c2f-4668-a87c-fd725360c47a_hunger-games-catching-fire-poster-bigLet’s compare…

The TWILIGHT series of movies were huge at the box office. But when it came to acting (Kristen StewartRobert PattinsonTaylor Lautner and company)—not so much.

By comparison THE HUNGER GAMES serve up a much stronger and seasoned lineup of acting talent led by last year’s OSCAR winning Jennifer Lawrence and surrounded by Josh HutchersonLiam HemsworthWoody HarrelsonElizabeth BanksStanley Tucci and Donald Sutherland. And now with Jeffrey WrightJena Melone and the great Philip Seymour Hoffman joining the gripping tension of ‘CATCHING FIRE.

As the saying goes ‘Every Revolution Begins With A Spark’…..

And so it is that we find Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mallark about to begin their victory tour of the 12 districts. But Katniss now senses a rebellion in the making. Continue reading

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Jack Poessiger: ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ — McConaughey Pulls Off Oscar Worthy Performance

matthew_mcconaughey_dallas_buyers_club_movie_transformationsWhen I mention DALLAS BUYERS CLUB to someone, the first thing out of their mouth usually involves Matthew McConaughey‘s tremendous weight loss for his starring role…

But after they’ve seen it they’ll most likely by praising his performance in the film—arguably the most powerful and challenging of his career.

A BEST ACTOR nomination here is a sure bet.

What we’ve got here is a fact-based drama about redneck Texas electrician Ron Woodroof.

“Woody’ is a good old boy. Loves his women—and how!”

Drinks plenty of beer. Always parties hardy. Oh, and he’s a straight as an arrow homophobe.

That is until he’s diagnosed HIV-positive and given 30 days to live. Continue reading

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Hearne: Lawrence Journal World Throws a Hissy Fit

chiefsFANS_20110830105351_320_240It’s not like this is something new…

For a couple decades now fans of the Kansas City Chiefs football team have desecrated the national anthem. To the extent that one views matters that way. We all pretty much know the drill.

You’re at a sporting event or concert, or whatever and they play the National Anthem – then whammo! – at the end where everybody’s supposed sing “home of the brave,” the crowd shouts “Chiefs!”

Who among us hasn’t heard that one however many times?

And yes, it is tacky; and yes it is pretty brainless, a bunch of – dare I suggest – mostly testosterone fueled dudes doing the honors. And yes, I suppose it’s a little disrespectful to the Tea Party and Fox News types among us who take these sort of things a little too seriously.

That said, who knew it was an affront to the City of Lawrence, Kansas and the KU basketball team? Continue reading

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Paul Wilson: Zany Zimmerman Zooms Back into Zee News

AP_george_zimmerman_verdict_reaction_jt_130714_16x9_992September 11th was the last time I wrote about our Boy George…

In that story I asked, “Has George Zimmerman been so scarred by the Trayvon Martin incident that he will be forever marked in society and so psychologically damaged as a person that he may never find his center or any version of normality? Is this the course of his life from here on; living under the microscope of the media?”

The reason for my 9/11 story was his soon to be ex-wife had called 911 over a domestic incident. At that point he was accused of pulling a gun on both her and his father in law.

As of Monday this week, Zimmerman’s graced the news again, and why? He allegedly found his gun yet again and allegedly pointed it at his girlfriend after allegedly choking her. That’s a lot of “allegedlies,” but this is George Zimmerman we’re talking about.

So what’s the real news story here? Continue reading

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